Monday, December 19, 2011

Roll Over, Pork Chop

We smoked a pork loin the other day and after having some for sandwiches, we had a ton left over.

I had to do something with it. I called my mother, and she gave me an idea, and it morphed into this, mostly due to lack of ingredients in my house.

You could do this with ANY leftover meat that has been cubed. It would be particularly good with smoked poultry. If you really want it and don't have leftover meat, just buy something precooked or cube and saute the meat beforehand. You could even use tofu!

You need:

About 4 cups of cubed meat, cooked.
1 can diced Italian tomatoes
1/2 onion, diced
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup(ish) chicken stock
1 can of canalini beans (white beans)
pinch of salt
1 box (or 1 cup) of wild rice, cooked

Saute the onion (on medium) in a saucepan large enough to fit everything but the rice.
Add in the tomatoes, wine, and salt. Let simmer for about 5 minutes.
Add the chicken stock and beans and simmer until liquid reduces by half (about 20 minutes).
Serve over the rice.

Salt and pepper to taste.


(There would be a picture, but all that is left is currently being worn by Baby.)

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