Thursday, August 4, 2011

Grapes Overcome

I bought Baby some baby food that involved grapes. She loved it. I decided that grapes were something I could make, so I bought some delicious organic grapes.

Then I realized that I would need to peel all those teeny tiny little grapes.

A few days passed before I remembered the food mill.

You don't need a whole new kitchen of cutesy baby accessories to make baby food. I'm all for using tools you already have or can use later, like a mini Cuisinart food processor, or little freezer containers that can hold snacks and dressing later on. That said, we bought a $10 Kid Co. baby food mill to use during our move and at the beach. It was much easier to carry the food mill (which comes with a travel case and does not need to be plugged in) than it was to bring the food processor along. It is the only thing I haven't thought of an "afterlife" for, but for $10, and assuming we have another kid at some point, it is well worth it.

Then I discovered something about the food mill that made it my new favorite thing. Skins can't get through the food mill. Long gone are the days of crushing blueberries through a sieve! Grapes do not need to be peeled! I can just run them through the mill and presto chango, they are skinless mush!

I ran about 1/2 a cup of red, sweet, organic grapes through the mill. I discovered that if you squeeze the grapes slightly (to crack the skin) before putting them through, they press much faster.

Here's the problem with grapes: they turn into soup. To counteract Grape Soup, I milled up a medium banana (which whirrs into slime) and made a goopy concoction that my baby absolutely loves. I think I'll mix it into some baby oats before serving it to her.

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